Welcome to Brat Fry Ferg's Backyard!
There's nothin' like a Brat Fry
Come on down by us once
and learn all about it!

Brat Fry is an attitude, a way of life
Ah yes, the Brat Fry . . . The ultimate backyard culinary experience! German-style bratwurst from Wisconsin sizzling away on a grill, friends and family in the backyard on a lazy, hot summer afternoon, a cold brew or two (or three), and lots of musings about really important things.
Did you ever notice there are no Brat Fry competitions on tv? You can find lots of cut-throat cooking contests or hot under the smoker BBQ competitions, but you won't find a Brat Fry tournament on tv. Why's that? Because Brat Fry is an attitude and a lifestyle, not a competitive sport. It's all about friends and family. It's all about good food and good fun. And it's all about doing good to others around you. That's why many a Brat Fry are put on to benefit a local school, church or community organization. So, if you want a taste of the good life and make the world a better place – one brat at a time – you need to become Brat Fry. This website tells you how!
Speaking of attitude, don't forget to check out my Krazy Brat Fry Tshirts & coffee mugs & other essential Brat Fry Gear on Zazzle!
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